Truck Management System

With the help of RFID technology, We can place a RFID card which acts a reader in each of the truck, The RFID card contains the information of the truck. With the help of this solution, we can easily manage every truck movement and its traceability within the entire plant. The RFID reader and antenna are placed at several entry locations in the plant and is able to read each and every truck movement. It also helps the truck to unload on a FIFO basis at unloading point with a time stamp.

What are the advantages of Using RFID Technology in Truck Management?

With RFID the most crucial details can be noted such as

  • Manage truck movement within entire plant from one location to another.
  • Loading and unloading of truck with time stamp.
  • Unloading of truck on FIFO basis
  • Information of the driver and the crew inside the truck

The RFID system has reduced the efforts in Inventory management and is a boon to logistic Industry.  The RFID tags can store up to 2kb of data and go upto 8kb data and are capable to read up to 200 tags at allows us to keep track of every information in the inventory.